Wool Collection Depots


 CCWG Wool Depot Listing 


Responsibilities of Wool Producer / Wool Depot / Shearer


Interested in becoming a CCWG Wool Depot or Shearer Licenced Operator or need to update your info?
Contact us for more information and opportunities in your area. ccwghq@wool.ca

Become a Shareholder and qualify for the Shareholder Wool Shipper Loyalty Reward Program (SWSLRP).

Maximizing your Wool Cheque With Brian Greaves

Advance & Final Payment

Advance payments on wool are not being processed until further notice. 

Producers are paid an advance payment (if requested) upon delivery of their wool to any of our wool depots with a final payment to follow after grading, based on the grading results and wool market conditions.
The advance payment is predetermined for Domestic and Range wool types and fluctuates based on wool market conditions and our forward sales.
Producers are paid on the basis of 3 classifications for yield on main grades and receive an additional rebate for high yielding and well prepared clips. For more info check out our Wool Purchase Policy.

Wool producers, please phone ahead to all wool depots to make appointment for delivery.
Please mark all your bags before going to the wool depot with the following: 

full name (name for cheque) 
mailing address 
phone number 

We remind ALL producers that they MUST call their delivery location to ensure that wool deliveries will be possible.  
Any wool left outside the storage facilities is done so at the producers risk.  
CCWG will not be responsible for WET WOOL and will not be responsible for any wool that is not properly identified BEFORE you arrive at the wool collection depot.


Wool Depot listing by Province

Wool depots please ensure that all info is included. Mark lot number, number of bags and year on all bags.

click on the Province name for full listing or download the pdf file for east or west.

Atlantic Provinces

Atlantic wool collection depot for CCWg

  • Bert Meyer, Hummingbird Farm - Eureka Springville, NS - 902-396-7595  
    or stop by the Atlantic Stockyards Ltd, 48 Salmon River Rd, Salmon River, NS on Thursdays to arrange your wool drop off time
    Container location is 245 River Rd, Eureka Springville, Pictou County, NS

Wool producers, please phone ahead to all wool depots to make appointment for delivery.
Please mark all your bags before going to the wool depot with the following: 

full name (name for cheque) 
mailing address 
phone number 

We remind ALL producers that they MUST call their delivery location to ensure that wool deliveries will be possible.  
Any wool left outside the storage facilities is done so at the producers risk.  
CCWG will not be responsible for WET WOOL and will not be responsible for any wool that is not properly identified BEFORE you arrive at the wool collection depot.


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Québec Wool Depots

  • Premier Choix Agricole - Une Division de Canadienne Co-opérative Wool Growers Limitée 
    5120 Rue Martineau, Saint Hyacinthe 450-796-4242  1-888-796-4242 Fax: 796-4243  
    info@premier-choix.ca  www.premier-choix.ca  
  • Eastern Townships c/o Trenholm Nelson - 598 Rte 243, Kingsbury  Tel/Fax 819-826-3066
  • George Parent - 381 Rue Principale, Saint Gabriel  418-798-8272

Wool producers, please phone ahead to all wool depots to make appointment for delivery.
Please mark all your bags before going to the wool depot with the following: 

full name (name for cheque) 
mailing address 
phone number 

We remind ALL producers that they MUST call their delivery location to ensure that wool deliveries will be possible.  
Any wool left outside the storage facilities is done so at the producers risk.  
CCWG will not be responsible for WET WOOL and will not be responsible for any wool that is not properly identified BEFORE you arrive at the wool collection depot.

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Ontario Wool Depots

ON wool collection depots for CCWG

  • CCWG Head Office - Carleton Place
    Open: Monday to Thursday 8am - 5pm, Friday 8am to 2:30pm
    Closed for lunch -12:30pm to 1pm & weekends - please call ahead
    613-257-2714  ext 4,  1-800-488-2714  Fax: 257-8896  ccwghq@wool.ca    woolgrader@wool.ca
  • CCWG Cookstown Branch - Weekdays 9 am - 4 pm
    705-458-4800  1-866-458-4800 cookstown@ccwg.ca
  • Glen Huron - Richard Metheral - 705-351-2022
  • Indian River - Geraldine Heffernan - 705-295-4238
  • Little Britain - Gord Mark - 705-786-2679
  • London - Andrew & Rhianne Pearson - 519-301-6875  **** NEW ****
  • Madoc - Terry Spicer - 613-473-1278
  • New Liskeard  - Miguel Tobler - 705-648-5877
  • Paris - Glenn Kelley - 519-754-7076
  • Rainy River District - Emo Feed - 807-482-2017 
  • Wingham - John Farrell - 519-357-1058

Wool producers, please phone ahead to all wool depots to make appointment for delivery.
Please mark all your bags before going to the wool depot with the following: 

full name (name for cheque) 
mailing address 
phone number 

We remind ALL producers that they MUST call their delivery location to ensure that wool deliveries will be possible.  
Any wool left outside the storage facilities is done so at the producers risk.  
CCWG will not be responsible for WET WOOL and will not be responsible for any wool that is not properly identified BEFORE you arrive at the wool collection depot.

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Manitoba Wool Depots

MB wool collection depots

  • Howard Alexander - Stonewall - 204-467-9399
  • Simon Atkinson  - Brandon - 204-761-4452
  • Big Country Supply- Grunthal - 204-434-6519 - opening April 1st
  • Linda Westman - Interlake area (wool loading day) - 204-643-5551 

Wool producers, please phone ahead to all wool depots to make appointment for delivery.
Please mark all your bags before going to the wool depot with the following: 

full name (name for cheque) 
mailing address 
phone number 

We remind ALL producers that they MUST call their delivery location to ensure that wool deliveries will be possible.  
Any wool left outside the storage facilities is done so at the producers risk.  
CCWG will not be responsible for WET WOOL and will not be responsible for any wool that is not properly identified BEFORE you arrive at the wool collection depot.

  Back to CCWG Wool Depot Listing 


Saskatchewan Wool Depots

SK wool collection depots

  • Wrangler Hamm - Central Butte - 306-796-7875
  • Ward Harden - Fir Mountain (loading day) - 306-476-7250
  • Marlene & Trevor Janzen - Hepburn - 306-220-1808 or 306-227-7416 
  • Chris Kirwan - Gull Lake - 306-672-7477
  • Allan MacLean - Rosetown - 306-617-2725 allancareymaclean91@gmail.com 
  • Stephen Mottershead - Dysart - cell 306-331-8318 
  • Dane Peterson - Mossbank - 306-640-6408 southerngoldranch@gmail.com GPS: (49.9982812,-106.1649790)
  • Howard Smith - Caron - 306-631-8877 

Wool producers, please phone ahead to all wool depots to make appointment for delivery.
Please mark all your bags before going to the wool depot with the following: 

full name (name for cheque) 
mailing address 
phone number 

We remind ALL producers that they MUST call their delivery location to ensure that wool deliveries will be possible.  
Any wool left outside the storage facilities is done so at the producers risk.  
CCWG will not be responsible for WET WOOL and will not be responsible for any wool that is not properly identified BEFORE you arrive at the wool collection depot.

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Alberta Wool Depots

AB wool collection depots for CCWG

  • CCWG Lethbridge - 145 Broxburn Boulevard, Lethbridge County, AB T1J 4P4  lethbridge@ccwg.ca   403-327-3760   1-800-567-3693   Fax:403-380-6982
  • Jozsef Barna - Drayton Valley - 780-898-9454    
  • Beaver Hill Auction Services - Tofield - http://beaverhillauctions.com   beaver4u@telusplanet.net   780-662-9384   Fax:780-662-3615
  • Birch Hills Colony - Wanham - 780-694-2535    
  • Nathanael Polson - Clive - 403-391-1163
  • Wayne Schwab - Cremona - 403-874-5736   schwabwayne@gmail.com  
  • Rudy Stein - Barrhead - 780-674-3732  Fax 674-4309
  • John Woodburn - Grimshaw - 780-332-4481  Fax:780-332-2878

Wool producers, please phone ahead to all wool depots to make appointment for delivery.
Please mark all your bags before going to the wool depot with the following: 

full name (name for cheque) 
mailing address 
phone number 

We remind ALL producers that they MUST call their delivery location to ensure that wool deliveries will be possible.  
Any wool left outside the storage facilities is done so at the producers risk.  
CCWG will not be responsible for WET WOOL and will not be responsible for any wool that is not properly identified BEFORE you arrive at the wool collection depot.

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British Columbia Wool Depots

BC wool collections depots for CCWG

Please call for drop-off time for all collection depots.

Farmington - South Peace Colony (Ben)  250-663-8814 

Grand Forks - Martin Lubben  -250-442-1551  

BC Livestock Producers Co-operative Association
Wool deliveries from March 1st to August 31st - 8am to 4pm

  1. Kamloops  250-573-3939
  2. Williams Lake  250-398-7174
  3. Vanderhoof  250-567-4333 

*  Drop off from: Aug to mid Sept wool loading day  *  please call for drop-off time 
Abbotsford  Dave Stephens   walnuthill@shaw.ca   604-857-0166 

Wool producers, please phone ahead to all wool depots to make appointment for delivery.
Please mark all your bags before going to the wool depot with the following: 

full name (name for cheque) 
mailing address 
phone number 

We remind ALL producers that they MUST call their delivery location to ensure that wool deliveries will be possible.  
Any wool left outside the storage facilities is done so at the producers risk.  
CCWG will not be responsible for WET WOOL and will not be responsible for any wool that is not properly identified BEFORE you arrive at the wool collection depot.

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