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CCWG Sheep Shearers Listing
Responsibilities of Wool Producer / Wool Depot / Shearer 
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The benefits of shearing before lambing
Shearing video: Keeping Sheep Healthy & Harvesting a High Performance Fiber
Sheep Shearers Listing by Province
Click on the Province name to view or download the PDF files for east or west.
This list is not an endorsement by CCWG of the shearers’ qualifications. Producers are encouraged to obtain references.
Atlantic Sheep Shearers
- Samantha Dawn - NS sammie-bent@hotmail.com 902-804-9205
- Amanda Dunfield - NS & NB - amanda.dunfield@hotmail.com 902-790-1292
- Ed Hughes - Atlantic Region - birchmanorfarms@gmail.com 705-559-8230
- Peter Kozier - Atlantic Region - kozier.peter@gmail.com 902-384-3046
- Lukas lang - NS - lange_lukas@yahoo.com 902-521-7837
- Riley Logan - Atlantic Region - bryonlogan@gmail.com 902-682-7920
- Amber Petersen - Atlantic Region - amber.scp@gmail.com 902-314-3625 cell 902-314-7244
- Eric Sullivan - NS - eric.shadypastures@gmail.com 902-440-6311
Québec Sheares Listing
- Patricia Arrotin - St-Henri de Taillon - 418-347-5900
- Nicole Blanchard - L'Épiphanie - 450-588-2875
- Catlin Lemieux - Fugereville - catlin312@hotmail.ca 819-290-8486
- Krystel Levert - Outaouais region / part of the Laurentide - krystel_levert@hotmail.com 819-428-1527
- Olivier Maltais - Alma - 418-347-2693
- David Mastine - Saint Félix de Kingsey - 819-848-2538
- Jonas Nadeau Ouellette - Ste-Angèle-de-Merici, Bas-St-Laurent (QC & AT) - 581-246-4075
- Jean-Michel Popik - L'Épiphanie - jmshearingqc@hotmail.com 438-825-2875
Ontario Shearers LIsting
- Tyler Armstrong - Renfrew - pinnaclehaven@gmail.com 613-433-8255
- Christopher Bonasia - Ottawa - christopherbonasia@gmail.com 613-227-8812
- Paul Cassidy - Thomasburg - 613-478-5084
- Ross Creighton - Almonte - 613-256-4752 613-256-3365
- Richard Cullum - Glenburnie - 613-542-8584
- Colby Davis - Leeds & The Thousand Islands - colby.max.davis@icloud.com 613-561-3348 ON & QC
- Kayleigh Graham - Amherst Island - hoof.tracks.service@gmail.com 289-355-9947
- David Jones - Demorestville - 613-476-8530
- Bruce McEwen - Forester Falls - 613-639-7158
- Terry Spicer - Madoc - lost.horizon@sympatico.ca 613-473-1278
- Ruco Braat - Bailieboro - 705-939-2366
- Shauna Chester - Kenabeek - shaunachester@hotmail.com 705-622-1409
- Viren D'souza - Keene - virendsouza@gmail.com 705-875-0030 705-295-6902
- Gerald Gemmill - Englehart - ggemmill@xplornet.com 705-544-2971
- Geraldine Heffernan - Indian River - 705-295-4238
- Donald Metheral - Glen Huron - metheral11@gmail.com 705-446-6056
- Richard Bayly - Wiarton - 519-534-4160
- Randy Brooks - Limehouse - 519-853-4966
- Alan Capell - Mount Forest - alan_capell@icloud.com 519-323-8219
- Charlie Cunningham - South Bruce Peninsula - 226-668-3445 cell
- Jelle DeRijk - Otterville - 226-321-2575
- Pieter DeRijk - Norwich - normount@execulink.com 519-863-5770
- Rachel Duncan - Paris - 519-536-6062
- Alvin Gerber - Wingham - 519-357-3843
- Gord Hanna - Conn - 519-314-9805
- Tim Jantzi - Elmwood - 226-748-2441
- Peter Kudelka - Mitchell - peter_kudelka@sympatico.ca 519-348-4266
- Judy Miller-Shelley - Hanover - 519-364-6193
- Cody Ribbink - Tiverton - 519-708-0220
- Matt Scott - Brantford - 519-758-0584
- Jake or Sam Sloan - Chesley - sloan@bmts.com 519-363-5564
- Carly Torkkeli - Kakabeka Falls - ctorkkeli022@gmail.com 807-620-2579
- Jerry Kelleher - York - 905-772-3298
- John Kuepfer - Mount Forest - Sheep, Llamas, Alpacas - 905-749-8188 (text or call)
- John Kuepfer Jr - St. Mary's - 226-622-4639
- Tom Redpath - shearmaster@hotmail.com 905-630-6341 (ON, QC)
- Rob Worden - Courtice - 905-432-3628
- Jeffrey Ebel - Ebel Shearing Services www.alpaca-shearing.com 315-628-1191
Manitoba Shearers Listing
- Louis Bisson (MB & SK) - Souris - cell 204-573-8011
- Pauline Bolay - Fairford - pbolay@hotmail.com 204-750-3836
- Russell Eddy - Plumas - 204-386-2819 cell 306-620-3083 2esheepshearing@gmail.com (MB / SK / AB)
- Heinz Krauskopf *** Retired ***
- Bethan Lewis - Kirkella - cell: 204-851-5686 house: 204-845-2153
- Garrick Reimer - Blumenort - gar21@hotmail.ca 204-371-9854
- Stacey Rosvold - Ethelbert - 204-647-5114
- Kendra Unrau - Austin - 204-596-0559
Saskatchewan Shearers Listing
- Francis Ecker - Barthel 306-837-4762
- Russell Eddy - Plumas - 204-386-2819 cell 306-620-3083 2esheepshearing@gmail.com (MB / SK / AB)
- Reba Fajnor - Marengo - general_mee@hotmail.com 306-378-7366 (SK & AB)
- Wayne Garnet - Leoville - 306-883-2928
- Jed Janzen - Rosthern - 306-232-5201
- Matt Knelsen - Rockglen - 306-4762632
- Wayne Loewen - Spiritwood - 306-883-8948
- Clifford Metheral (SK & MB) - Nokomis - 306-528-2113
- Lorrie Reed - Elrose - 306-378-4010
- Laverne Struck - Pilger - 306-367-4278
Alberta Shearers Listing
- Alex Baker - Cochrane - alamraches@gmail.com 403-805-4225 (MB, SK, AB, BC)
- Jozsef Barna - Drayton Valley - 780-898-9454
- John Beasley (Canada wide) - Youngstown - www.integrityranching.com 403- 857-9236
- Dana Booth - Drumheller - harleyrider68@hotmail.ca 403-823-8252
- Danny Cahoon - Cardston - 403-653-2627
- Dave Carlson - Fort MacLeod - 403-553-4268
- Ed Dingreville - Pincher Creek - 403-628-2235
- Russell Eddy - Plumas - 204-386-2819 cell 306-620-3083 2esheepshearing@gmail.com (MB / SK / AB)
- Shaun Fajnor - Taber - 403-892-9546
- Jeffrey Fielding - Calgary area - 403-479-3763
- Bryce Gore - Cochrane - 403-863-8937
- Josh Harper - Evansburg - josh@harpersweb.com 780-995-1754
- Rod Jack - Byemoor - 403-579-2520
- Joe Milne - Duffield - 780-446-1823
- Jacob Morris - Cherhill - jacobshearing800@gmail.com 780-289-9700
- James Nibourg - Erskine - 403-742-8536
- Duane O'Brien - Chestermere - 780-878-1952
- Allison Preston - Lethbridge - 403-654-7088
- Laurie Read - Silver Valley - 780-351-2091
- Willem Van Herk - Fort McLeod - 403-553-4246
- Cordell Young - Lethbridge - cordellb.young@gmail.com 306-641-9308
British Columbia Shearers Listing
- Rod Allen & Manon Goyette - (BC & AB) - shearingbc@yahoo.com 250-499-2060
- Dave Cadsand - 100 Mile House - (winter shearing available in Alberta) 250-267-3652
- Pieter Demooy - Saanichton - http://sheepshearing.ca 250-652-2219
- Garrett Jolicoeur - Qualicum Beach, Vancouver Island - garrett6108@hotmail.com 250-937-8933
- Martin Lubben - Grand Forks - 250-442-1551
- Lorea Tomsin - Sidney - www.countrywools.com 250-514-6738
- Johanna Walker - Langley - 604-888-4181 Cell 329-7415